Join the Group!
We are actively recruiting students and postdocs to the Multi-Scale Ice Dynamics Lab at the University of Chicago!
Projects could involve (1) exploring fundamental ice sheet dynamics through models, theory, observations, or a combination of approaches, (2) developing ice sheet models through the application of data assimilation methods, inverse methods, uncertainty quantification methods, (3) improving projections of future ice sheet behavior through the application of new models or theory, (4) investigating the role of ice sheets or glaciers in the broader earth, climate, and societal system. Other topics are certainly possible!
Interested potential students and postdocs are encouraged to
(1) read this site for more information about the group,
(2) take a look at some of the papers listed in the "Publications" tab,
(3) look at the University of Chicago's Geophysical Sciences department website
More specific information is detailed below.
Resources for Potential Graduate Students
Potential graduate students are encouraged to apply to the Department of Geophysical Sciences PhD program. If you are looking for resources about applying to grad school, GeoGradApp is a great resource.
Resources for Potential Postdocs
Potential postdocs should reach out to Dr. Ranganathan to discuss ideas for projects and funding opportunities. There are additional resources on the Department of Geophysical Sciences's webpage. The postdoc search process can be quite opaque, so please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions. For those interested in seeking external funding, the following fellowships are likely the most applicable to our work:
(1) NOAA Climate & Global Change Postdoctoral Fellowship
(2) National Science Foundation's Office of Polar Programs Postdoctoral Fellowship
(3) T.C. Chamberlin Postdoctoral Fellowship (the internal fellowship for the Department of Geophysical Scieces at UChicago)
Particularly given the deadlines for these fellowships, it is encouraged to reach out to Dr. Ranganathan at least in the summer prior to your intended start date, to ensure time to put together applications for these fellowships - though please feel free to reach out no matter what the timing is. If you're looking for more information on applying to postdocs in the earth sciences, Lily Dove and Clare Singer have put together this really helpful guide to applying to postdocs that I would highly recommend reading.
Resources for Potential Undergraduate Researchers
University of Chicago undergraduate students interested in doing research with the group, either during the semester or during the summer, should reach out to Dr. Ranganathan to inquire about availability and potential projects.